One year ago today I was in bed, recovering from surgery where I had the tumor removed from my neck for biopsy. One year ago today I got the phone call from Dr. Barnes, telling me that I did, indeed, have cancer. One year ago today I walked into the home office, sat down on the couch next to John and cried.
I cried, then dried my tears and said "..... This blows." Then I paused and said "I'm going to kick cancer's ass." I was never so determined to do something in my entire life.
One year ago today I called my parents and my boss to give them the news.
One year ago today I had long blond hair, and the prospect of all that hair falling out was the worst thing I could think of. The prospect of having a semi permanent catheter installed in my chest made me want to cry. The prospect of being sick made me furious, and the prospect of letting cancer get in my way was unacceptable.
And today I am cancer free. Today I am working hard. Today I will go to the gym at lunch and work out, which is a gift that at times, seemed impossible. Today I will run. Today I have short brown hair, and today I know that losing your hair is not the worst thing that can happen. Today I know what a pleasure it is to wake up early and be able to do things for myself. Today I know that being healthy is the most wonderful thing I can think of. Today I am thankful for John and his patience. Today I know that there really is nothing that would pull us apart. Today my lungs are clear and I can breathe. Today I am not in pain.
Today is the greatest day ever.