random daily thoughts. with some "i just beat cancer" stuff thrown in.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My mom doesn't have the cancer! We had a celebratory piece of I Don't Have The Cancer Lemon Cream Cake yesterday.

What she does have is essential thrombocythemia which still has to be treated with chemo. But in our family, we kick ass. And she is kicking thrombocythemia's ass. Kickin' it hard, one over-zealous platelet at a time.

:) I love you, mom.

Stephanie over at Live.Love.Eat has a new addition to her family... a sweet little white bulldog :) So I thought I'd post photos of my little white bulldog.

Well, okay, he's not so little anymore... but I remember when he was. Diesel, the puppy that ate an entire section of our sofa. Diesel, who chewed the corners off our coffee table. Diesel, the puppy that became so obsessed with getting the tops off of water bottles that he will now STEAL full bottles of water from unsuspecting guests.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Things have been lazy LAZY around here lately. We bought a PS3 finally, so that's become our latest addiction. That and netflix. After seeing previews for the new season of LOST, which we never watched before, we decided to get caught up. So we've been having marathons of LOST. :)

Cleo has a tumor on her shoulder and her hips are getting worse-- I think it's time for a vet visit soon to see if we can make her more comfortable day to day. I love my Cleo.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year, everyone!

Wishing you health, happiness, and more love than you know what to with.