Happy Halloween! We're going to the Rio for a costume party tonight, always proves to be a good time.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Finally feeling good again after the bronchitis. I hate being sick.
We saw Jimmy Fallon at Comedy Works on Thursday, that was super fun.
Today: need to clean my kitchen and maybe get a Halloween costume. I'm such a procrastinator.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
To hades with the bronchitis, I say!! To hades!!
I am feeling much better and actually got out of the house tonight for a few hours. Just took some cough medicine and waiting for it to kick in before I hit the hay.
I played Wii bowling tonight, and I am a supreme champion. :) During my Wii breaks, I sipped wine and Fat Kid (Chris & Katy's kitty) lounged on my lap. Nothing better than that, I say.
Good times.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i am sick sick sick. yesterday i don't think i moved from the same spot on the sofa for at least eight hours.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
my throat hurts. i hope i'm not getting sick. why, oh why was i blessed with the world's worst tonsils?
on a high note, my house is spotless, i have a new loaf of cheese bread, (thanks mom!) and i'm lounging with larry on my lap. :) life is good, even when feeling sicky.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
A. attached or single? Attached.
B. best friend? My husband.
C. cake or pie? Pie.
D. day of choice? Saturday.
E. essential item? Hmmm. My ipod?
F. favorite color? Green.
G. gummy bears or worms? Worms.
H. hometown? Aurora, Colorado.
I. favorite indulgence? Mashed Potatoes.
J. January or July? July.
K. kids? Nope. Unless you count the fur-kids.
L. life isn't complete without? Good friends and yummy food.
M. marriage date? July 15.
N. number of brothers & sisters? One half sister, one step brother.
O. oranges or apples? Oranges.
P. phobias? Big creepy bugs.
Q. quotes? All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience. ~Henry Miller
R. reasons to smile? My husband, funny pets, cute babies, the smell of autumn.
S. season of choice? Spring, that new fresh smell after the loooong winter.
T. toast or cereal? Toast.
U. unknown fact about me? I have more "guilty pleasure" tv shows than one person should. :)
V. vegetable? Tomato and onion.
W. worst habits? being judge-y.
X. x-ray or ultrasound? X-rays. Or CAT scans. Or PET scans. Take yer pick.
Y. your favorite food? The potato. Any way it can be cooked, I love it.
Z. zodiac sign? Pisces.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Diesel & Cleo watching tv
Izzy in her favorite napping spot
Today we've been lazy around here. Watched food tv, made some flatbread, lounged. I must clean my house. Lounging can only get a girl so far. :)
Saturday, October 04, 2008
A Snapshot in Time (borrowed from another blog I read)
I am wearing grey lounge pants and a grey and yellow football jersey.
I am reading Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks.
I just finished The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
I am hearing Cleo and Diesel snoring in unison.
I am learning how to make perfect pizza dough.
I am thankful for my family.
I am eating biscuits and gravy. Saturday morning classic.
I am bringing beauty to my home by trying to be a better wife every day.
I've never been a fan of watching sports.
Around my house it's pretty quiet today, animals all being lazy. A few dirty dishes strewn about.
Outside my window is a cooler, windy day. I love October.
I am thinking about how I desperately need to find a new gym now that ours closed down.
One of my favorite things is my new bed. I'll say it again. Sweet Bliss.
A few plans for the rest of the week... today, picking the folks and gram up from the airport. Cleaning the house, trying some new recipes... Great American Beer Fest on Thursday.