random daily thoughts. with some "i just beat cancer" stuff thrown in.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

the greatest, sleepiest, most comfy weekend ever. :)

Last weekend John and I painted until our arms fell off, in an effort to get our master bed and bath looking normal again. And let me just say, we are awesome. It looks so good I can't even believe we did it ourselves. We painted the walls a dark tan and the bathroom a copper/burnt orange. Way cool. We've been so enthralled with our new creation that we find ourselves spending 90% of our free time upstairs.

So this weekend all we've done is watch tv, eat good food and lounge around. I love it. Yesterday I made cheddar corn chowder for lunch and it was yummy. John is fighting off a cold and I *may* be trying to catch it, but I am willing it off.

Right now John is surfing the internet and watching football in bed, and I am surfing the internet in the office trying to find a sharpening steel for my new knives. Simultaneously looking at cute clothes and yummy recipes. Dang, I love lazy weekends. :)