My fifth PET was clean, as I mentioned in my previous post! I couldn't be happier about that. Life is sweet. I feel like I am at 90% post treatment. I think if I push my workouts a little more I can get back to that 100%. I see both of my oncologists every 4-6 months, after I have blood tests and scans. My lung problems are almost completely gone. They'll continue to monitor to make sure my thyroid is functioning properly for the next five years-- due to the radiation to that area of my body, I'm likely to have thyroid issues, but those can be easily medicated if needed.
I'm starting to look forward, past the immediate side effects that happen during and after chemo and radiation. I'm starting to work harder to make myself healthier and I do find myself concerned sometimes with the long term effects of my cancer treatment. I am now, and will be at an increased risk for secondary cancers, namely breast cancer, leukemia, and cancers of the throat. Also they monitor for heart issues due to the adriamycin.
My l'hermitte's has improved considerably, I really only notice it now after a long run or workout, and it doesn't bother me at all.
Even with post treatment concerns, life is good. John and I are remodeling our house... we've raised the floor in the front room to make one giant room which will become our new billards/cigar room. It will be way cool. This weekend we're painting and after the paint, we'll be getting new carpet. I'll post photos when it's done.