random daily thoughts. with some "i just beat cancer" stuff thrown in.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


- Somebody brought the good coffee creamer to work, since the company cheapskated us out of the good stuff two years ago. Somebody, I don't know who you are, but I love you.

-Note to my customers: If you are going to call me, pretending to be someone else, you should probably make sure I didn't just hang up the phone with the real person. 'Cause chances are, your voice sounds different and I will call you on it and make you feel dumb. :)

-Second note to customers: If you are screening your phone calls, you sound really stupid when you say "Mrs. So & So? Oh, she's not here. Who's calling?" and when I say it is me, and you say "Oh, hold on....... Hello?" I CAN TELL IT'S YOU, YOU MORON. YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYONE.

-Third note to customers: Not everyone lives in North Carolina. There are those of us that live in different time zones. So when you leave me a message at six a.m. eastern, I am not going to get that message for a few hours. 'Cause at four a.m. I'm still all cozy in my bed. So it doesn't do any good to leave me another message five minutes later, saying "You haven't called me back yet... are you going to call me back?" 'Cause then it's Four Oh Five, and I am still all cozy in my bed.

-I am going to eat Mexican food for my birthday tonight with John and our friends Chris and Katy. It will be the best Mexican food ever. There will be tequila consumed. We've decided I get a birth-week instead of just a birth-day. Woop, woop!


Blogger oakland heidi said...

what is it about good creamer that can completely change your day around?

2/22/06, 10:36 AM


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