random daily thoughts. with some "i just beat cancer" stuff thrown in.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This was posted by one of my fellow cancer ass kickers on the lymphoma forum and it made me stop and really think today.

I was reading Robin's post where she refered to her "push" antibiotics, and I was struck by the fact that we're now all conversant if not fluent in a language we never wanted to learn - the language of cancer.

Remember when...

a PUSH was something a grownup gave you when you were on the swings?
A DRIP was a guy we'd refer to today as a geek?
BLEO was a sound of disgust you'd make in response to the question "How does liver sound for dinner?"
ADRIA was Rocky Balboa's girlfriend?
CHEMO was always followed by "sabe" and it was Tonto's term of endearment for the Lone Ranger?
A PET was something friendly and furry who generally acted happy to see you when you got home?
A CAT was the sub-type of PET who WAS happy, but would never let you know?
An IV was simply Roman for the number four?
STAGING was what the drama club planned for the Spring play?

It's so true. My language has completely changed. My entire life has changed in ways I don't even realize.


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