random daily thoughts. with some "i just beat cancer" stuff thrown in.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I just read through my entire blog, from the time I was diagnosed to now. And I have to admit, I feel that I've been allowing myself to get caught up in the petty things. The small stuff, if you will. And I refuse to let that happen.

I have been given an enormous gift, and I think the worst thing would be if I forgot that. I have been given a second chance at life. I have been given a glimpse into the world that most people will never ever see. I have been blessed. And I absolutely want to use that gift.

Do you ever feel frustrated that you're not quite sure what your purpose is? I feel like I haven't figured it out. Maybe that's the point. To finally realize that we will never have life figured out.

At any rate, I will be trying harder in the upcoming days to make it count. Life is short. And I want mine to be chock full 'o good stuff.


Blogger oakland heidi said...

I try to make everyday count as well...

You are a wise lady.

4/4/06, 2:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you....I am a fellow Hodgkin's message board member, and it's crazy how similar our lives are...I even just got married! But, just wanted to say that I agree with you 100%! We have learned that life is too short, and to make every day count!

4/5/06, 9:20 AM

Blogger Duane said...

I too couldn't agree with you more! Thanks your sharing your eloquence with us.

4/12/06, 8:16 PM


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