Yesterday was a really crummy day.
One of the girls that was a regular poster on the Hodgkin's forum passed away. She was not responding to treatment and developed pneumonia suddenly, and stopped breathing on Tuesday night. It is just so sad and it makes me so angry. I hate this disease. I hate that it takes daughters and sons away from their parents. I hate that it takes moms and dads away from their kids, takes spouses from eachother, takes friends. I hate it.
I lost it for a little bit yesterday... It brought back memories of one of my girlfriends passing away from stomach cancer in August. I went to check her blog because I knew she hadn't been feeling well, only to find that she was gone. It's not fair. Both girls were so young and so brave. It reminds me that there are no guarantees in life.

We will miss you, Caitlin.
What a beautiful smile.
3/9/06, 3:03 PM
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