random daily thoughts. with some "i just beat cancer" stuff thrown in.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

An update on life:

1. My lungs are getting much better. I don't have that stinging or horrible shortness of breath anymore. In fact, I haven't really noticed my lungs at all in a while, which is a good sign.
2. I do have L'hermitte's Syndrome, brought on by radiation to the spinal cord. When I bend my neck forward, everything from the neck down tingles. It's kind of a tingly-numb-electric shock feeling.
3. My energy feels like it's improving all the time. I actually want to start working out again, although I have yet to actually DO anything that involves muscle movement. Baby steps. :)

Our company was just purchased, and there are some changes going on at work, mostly good, some kind of annoying. But what can you do?


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