random daily thoughts. with some "i just beat cancer" stuff thrown in.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

possible titles for today's entry:

1. Allyson hates to work.
2. Stop calling me, you moron, I am not answering my phone. I am busy returning the forty seven other messages.
3. Allyson forgets to do many things and falls behind.
4. The little red light on my phone keeps blinking.
5. I wonder what would happen if I just left for lunch and didn't come back?
6. I hate my hairdo today and I feel like a lard ass.

Ugh. Work, schmerk. I have had it. I think instead of working I would like to eat thick cut bacon and hash browns and eggs, over medium. Mmm. And coffee. And then I would like to put on pajamas and crawl under the cozy cozy covers. Yesh.

Please, would anyone like to work for me today? I am begging you.


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